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Quick Prevention Tips for Parents & Caregivers

“Rules to Remember” for CSA Prevention

By following a few quick “Rules to Remember” in your every day life, you can help protect the children you care about from child sexual abuse predators (or know where to get help).

Click here for a printable full-page PDF of these important reminders.

**Touching for hygiene purposes can be explained, but as soon as children are old enough to clean themselves, they should be encouraged to do so to protect against abuse under the guise of care.

Get the Darkness to Light Prevention Toolkit

The Stewards of Children app includes a series of short videos to educate users about child sexual abuse: what it is, children at risk, what predators look like, how child sexual abuse affects children developmentally and throughout their lives, and the safety precautions parents and organizations need to take if they truly want to make sure their children are safe.

Or you can participate in a local or online Stewards of Children CSA prevention class. These classes are great for parents, caregivers, anyone working in a job with direct interaction with children, and directors/coordinators responsible for programs, volunteers or staff working with children.

click to download the SOC app

click to learn more about SOC training

Online Safety: Tools & Tips to Protect Your Kids on the Internet

Keeping kids safe is no easy task, but now there are even more hurdles for parents to overcome in regards to cyber safety online on. Click here for important information about online child safety, tools, and tips.

Children’s Books to Teach Your Kids about Safety & Secrets

The following books are to be read with your child to educate you and them on body boundaries, secrets, good and bad touch, and good and bad pictures. Some books have age appropriate guidelines listed. Others include questions for you to discuss with your child as you read.

This is a great opportunity for you to learn personal safety and empowerment through your child’s eyes, so that you can easily communicate with them at their level regarding these important topics.

Click any book cover below for more information and buy links.

A Terrible Thing Happened
Do You Have a Secret? (Let’s Talk About It!)
Tootles the Turtle Tells the Truth: An Interactive Tale about Secrets
Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr.: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds
Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept
Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids
I Said No! A Kid-to-kid Guide to Keeping Private Parts Private
No Means No!: Teaching children about personal boundaries, respect and consent;  empowering kids by respecting their choices and their right to say, ‘No!’
Joey Wants to Know
Some Secrets Hurt
My Body Belongs to Me: A book about body safety
The Swimsuit Lesson

CSA Education Books for Parents & Caregivers

These books are written for adults as guides to teaching personal safety and empowerment to your children.

Click any book cover below for more information and buy links.

Body Safety Education: A parents’ guide to protecting kids from sexual abuse
The Swimsuit Lesson

Deeper Learning

For more information about child sexual abuse you can visit these trusted resources:

  • Facts about Child Sexual Abuse from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
    Easy to read quick facts about child sexual abuse, how children deal with abuse, and some common myths about child sexual abuse that are important to debunk.
  • 5 Steps of Prevention from Darkness 2 Light
    Each of the steps is broken down into informative details and measures. Darkness 2 Light also offers a Stewards of Children program of practical prevention training with a conversational, real-world approach. This training is appropriate for individuals, communities or organizations.
  • Signs of Abuse from Safe Horizon
    Lists some obvious signs of abuse to watch for in children.

4 Safety Rules for Kids

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