Home » Thank you for joining our movement!

Thank you for joining our movement!

We are so grateful to our Fiona Member Partners. Every time we remind someone that child sexual abuse is real and can be prevented we are making a difference.

Member Badges & Partner Page Submission

Below are some graphics that you can include on your website to show your support and hopefully entice some of your fans to learn more about child sexual abuse prevention and healing.

Feel free to shrink these to a scale that fits your website.

Once inserted, link the image to https://thefionaproject.org. Then send us the link to your website where the badge is displayed. Upon review, we will add you to Our Partners page.

Thank you again for your commitment to this important endeavor.

Horizontal Badge

Proud Member
The Fiona Project
Music and Arts for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Healing

Square Badges

Vertical Badges