Home » Concert Kit for Fiona Project Hosts

Concert Kit for Fiona Project Hosts

Thank you for joining The Fiona Project concert team! Sharing important child sexual abuse prevention tips and healing resources at your event will help protect the children in your community while also helping to survivors to know they are not alone and help is available.

To assist you in speaking smartly about the topic, and offer you a little extra exposure for your event, we have compiled a few helpful tips and materials for you.

Plan your event and post it online
Check out these quick tips that have helped us extend our event reach.

  • Super simple Facebook event setup with fast and easy invites
  • If this is a special event, send out invitations to people you would like to come and tell them why you are doing the show and why it’s important to you, and that you would love it if they would attend.
  • Talk it up! Ask others if they want to participate in some way… as a sponsor, a partner, a musician, an artist or something else.

Tag us in your Facebook CSA prevention and healing posts and events! Or share your Facebook event URL with us via email. If you let us know you’ll be addressing CSA prevention and healing, or that you are promoting The Fiona Project as a partner, we’ll review your event for possible inclusion in our calendar.

Tag us on Facebook: @thefionaprojectorg
Email us your FB event link at least 2 weeks in advance of your show.

Learn the Facts about CSA
If you are going to be promoting the importance of child sexual abuse prevention and healing, we urge you to participate in that endeavor yourself.  Take a few minutes and learn the basics, what we’re up against and how to stop it.  Get educated – CSA Fact Sheet for Fiona Partners (large-print, 3 pages)

Download the prevention and healing flyers
We have prepared a few printable items that you can take to your event.
1/4 page prevention and healing hand-out flyers (double-sided)
7 Steps to Prevention large-print talking points (1 sheet)
QR Code scan sheets for smart phones

Have a great event!!!

You are making a difference. Thank you!

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out.
We are happy to share our knowledge and experience to help you create a successful event.