Trigger warning: This post may be triggering for child sexual abuse survivors.

Ugly Dress
Pretty with flowers, liberating and free
Lots of movement for the eye to see
A little girl’s dream to wear such a dress,
but under the layers she cries in distress
All severed and torn, damaged and shaken
for her childhood innocence has now been taken
No longer simple and worn in vain
she now tries to hide to cover the shame
Like an animal trapped, she starts feeling wild
for she is no longer just an unblemished child
The dress is now dark, full of anger and sin
She hates the dress and what lies within
Her voice in her head is shouting and screaming
To wake up her hands and stop them from dreaming
Struggling to hold back expressing the rage
From what she is feeling at such a young age
Her hands are sore and ready to fight
They can no longer stay down frozen in flight
A little girl lost and unsure of her life
She lunges forward to pick up the knife
She rips at her dress, the one she holds dear
She no longer wants to be covered in fear
The knife slashes through, all split and cut open
Little girl standing all naked and broken
She has nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
The guilty feelings still crying inside
Now go hateful dress and leave her alone
For this child is no longer yours to own
Set her free ugly dress once and for all
For Cinderella shall go to the ball
~ Elizabeth Shane 🖊️