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She Hears by Terri Lanahan

I grew up in a home where there was Domestic Violence and I write this poem.

She Hears

She hears the same sounds every night.
She’s afraid of the dark and prays for the light.
She’s alone and really scared.
She wishes that somebody cared.
She watches mommy and daddy with tear-filled eyes.
She wants them to hear her cries.
She snuggles up to her teddy bear.
Because nobody else is there.
She doesn’t understand why they yell.
She wishes there was someone to tell.
She is always very sad.
She wishes Mom and dad wouldn’t get so mad.

Terri Lanahan

About the Author

Terri Lanahan

Surviving and Thriving
A voice for the voiceless

I am an adult survivor of child sexual abuse. I have written poems throughout my life. My book is titled ‘Hear My Voice’. I am a volunteer at The National Association Of Adult Survivors of Abuse.

Please visit my page at: www.facebook.com/Spiritua1one

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