Home » Survivors Speak arts blog » It’s OK to not be OK by Mike Chapman

It’s OK to not be OK by Mike Chapman

This poem is from March 2024. I was attending a leaders retreat in Florida for the leadership of Husband Material (faith-based ministry to help men dealing with porn addiction and other sexual brokenness issues), men I all love and trust. However, I got severely triggered on the final evening at dinner. I ended up writing this poem on the following morning:

It’s OK to not be OK 

It’s OK to be sad
It’s OK to get triggered
It’s OK to walk through the pain
It’s OK to feel the pain

It’s OK to ask for help
It’s OK to ask for a hug
It’s OK to cry

It’s OK to lean on another
It’s OK to rely on a brother
They are there for a reason:
To sharpen one another

It’s OK to not be OK 

Mike Chapman

About the Creator


Mike Chapman

Mike is a survivor of familial childhood sexual abuse from age 7 months to age 5 and familial sexual trafficking from age 5 to age 8, and a survivor of sexual assault by clergy at age 20. In his spiritual journey to recovery, Mike has had to battle, among other things, anger, PTSD, anxiety, codependency, and addictive behaviors, including porn addiction. Mike is also a Full-Time Sign Language Interpreter and a Part-Time Santa Claus Portrayal Artist. He’s been happily married to his wife Beth for over 33 years, and they have 2 adult children. He and Beth live in Hubert, NC. Mike is currently a part-time Recovery Life Coach for both Polar Life Consulting and Husband Material. To find out more or to contact Mike, contact him at PolarLifeConsulting.com

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