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I Want to Tell You by Terri Lanahan

I Want to Tell you

I want to tell you what happened to me.
I want to tell you about when I was three.
He said he wanted to play with me.
And oh how he played tricks on me.
He told me lies.
Neglected my cries.
He touched me in ways that didn’t feel right.
In the darkness of the night.
Then in the brightness of the day
He would tell me to go away.
My little mind didn’t understand
What was happening in the hands of this man.

Terri Lanahan

About the Author


Terri Lanahan

Surviving and Thriving
A voice for the voiceless

I am an adult survivor of child sexual abuse. I have written poems throughout my life. My book is titled ‘Hear My Voice’. I am a volunteer at The National Association Of Adult Survivors of Abuse.

Please visit my page at: www.facebook.com/Spiritua1one

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